When we do not like a person's actions, we do not realize that we often do too. Sodo not scolding someone if we do not want to being scolded that person.
19 September yesterday was my anniversary. Me and my boyfriend have been together through it for the past 4 years. But we live a long distance relationship. So when the anniversary, we can not see, because he was in Jogjakarta while I was in Semarang. So I can just imagine dating anniversary with him. Just imagining a beautiful date :) ♥
The Bandwagon Technique trying to understand the needs of the reader, and try to push you to do something because everyone was doing it, and this paper will make the reader think, he should have it. And this is advertorial I'm trying to make with my friends
Let's be creative with the tools and unused materials!
If you have a patchwork, buttons, and laces, you can make a simple bracelet is gorgeous! Do not believe? This proves it!