Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nasi Goreng Cinta

Spesial buat aak tersayang. Tapi sayangnya udah gak panas gitu waktu dikasihin. Abisnya si aak malah gak pulang ke rumah sih, sms ga dibales, telp ga diangkat. Wusssh Keseellll. Tapi akhirnya jg dimakan. Alhamdulillah gak sia2 bangun pagi buat masak :')

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You Will be Lost

My professor friend says is true, that if we are going to disappear over time. That's what I experienced. I feel lost, far away from them, and always get the information too late. More and more people are using, the more I am forced to use it as well. This is the era of globalization. Society will increasingly be anti social. Do not blend into one. But together form a group with one another. Those who do not keep pace with the times, be excluded indirectly.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Take a picture!

Themselves when they're busy, so I also wanted to take pictures, although that alone. This most beautiful memories in jogjakarta with xoxo....

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Eye Makeup

Especially the eye makeup is very important. Is not easy to draw a line on the eyelid. Even, sometimes we cry when the brush touches the inside of the eye. Then we must learn to apply makeup from now because we've grown

A Mirror



ini udah ketiga kalinya aku buat brownies hehe.
yang pertama bantet banget alias keras banget, mungkin kbanyakan tepung.
yang kedua sempurna sih udah di cicipin juga sama xoxo, katanya lumayanlah
nah ni yang ketiga malah kelembekkan gara-gara kebanyakan air hiks :(
tapi tumben banget ayah bilang browniesku yang ketiga ini enak rasanya, padahal sih menurutku gaenak 